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A Beginners Guide For for LED Office Lighting Design

When designing an office, we usually take into account how we’re going to create the most ergonomic experience to get our work done. We do this by making sure we can access all resources quickly and by adjusting the height of our desks until everything is perfect.

However, there’s one experience that many people don’t think about until soon enough — the lighting. You might not know this yet, but mood can vastly influence you’r professional creativity, mood, and cognitive performance. Getting the lighting right improves work performance and helps you stay happy while you are at the office.

In this article we’re going share some optimal LED office lighting design tips that can make all the difference in your office.

Keep a Light Over Your Desk

Whether you work on paper or on a computer, we highly recommend keeping a light over your desk. Your eyes will experience strain unless the lighting on the medium you’re working on is more intense than the lighting around it.

Keeping the lighting right on where you work is hyper-important in gaining all of the cognitive benefits of lighting. Buy yourself a great desk lamp, or a hanging light that you can suspend right above your desk. This will ensure your work is lit to your satisfaction.

Use Multiple Light Sources

However, no matter how great your desk lamp is, you have to make sure you use multiple light sources throughout your office.

Consider primary and secondary sources of light. Perhaps you have an overhead source that acts as a primary source and a desk lamp that acts as a secondary source. Or perhaps you have a series of lamps.

If you mainly find yourself working during the day, we recommend setting a workroom up near a window. Use natural light as your primary source of light. Natural light is what our bodies are most adapted to working in.

Consider Different Levels of Lighting

Different rooms — and varying spaces within rooms — should be lit up differently according to the tasks that are happening in those rooms/spaces. Meetings require a different level of lighting than of a solitary work cubicle.

We recommend surveying the people in your office about what they need of the lighting environment. Ask them what they feel would be the most productive, and then try out different levels of light if you can.

Choosing the right Levels for illumination

These are the most important illumination parameters:

  • Work Areas : 8,000 to 10,000 Lumens
  • Direct surroundings: 6,000 Lumens
  • Background: 20-40 Lumens per sq foot

The last two parameters apply mainly to office lighting in large spaces and facilities.

Keep in mind that there are some spaces in the office that you might not want to design for maximum productivity. People need spaces to relax and communicate, which requires different lighting. It’s always important to make sure your employees feel appreciated — appreciated employees work harder.

LED Office Lighting Design Is Important

If you’re considering investing in some LED lights, we highly recommend looking into LED office lighting design. The quality of lights you pick can only go so far, at a certain point you have to learn how to set them up correctly.

Always consider your own feelings and the feedback of your employees. At the end of the day, you just want to make a more productive environment.

For help with your office LED Lighting Design, contact our team at AMF Electrical.


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